I think our Esafety commissioner is off her dial and gone very...

  1. 22,075 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 262
    I think our Esafety commissioner is off her dial and gone very extreme when it comes to what Australian adults are allowed to see online, we want to be able to see everything so we can all see for ourselves whats going on in the world, she reckons or says she'll minimize the amount of content and what content Australians see using Bing or Google!

    This is terrible and should be against our human rights if it's not, the US has it's fantastic Constitution and bill of rights to limit some government powers like free speech and things like this lady the 'Esafety' Comissioner seems to want to do, Australia is not NK or China, we are Australians and our predecessors fought for our freedoms and rights against dictatorial type governments, Australians should be very worried about a government doing this type of thing, it's a very serious action, it should be our right to see everything thats going on in the world and many opinions and theories on things, it's like an open sourcing of ideas and solutions in real time and open sourcing has been and is great for humanity, we shouldn't be treated like children by and with some Government official and/or Government deciding, choosing and limiting things online that we are allowed to see or not see!!

    Yes limit our mainstream news thats broadcast and delivered through our Tv's and have ratings like PG, MA+15, R etc etc but the internet content is a completely different thing, people choose to go out of their way to look for things and knowledge online, the things i don't like i simply don't watch or read, people look at stuff they want to and choose to, i don't watch any surgery shows or vet operation shows cause they make me feel queezy and sick and if one comes up on my feed i simply scroll straight past it, we don't need some government to decide whats viewable or readable for us, that type of enforced government control over and through our lives is something communist governments do and tyranical governments do, not democracies or so called democracies, one doesn't have to have Twitter accounts or facebook accounts or instagram or Tik tok etc etc, i only have one of those and thats X but theres stuff on there i just skip and plenty of accounts i simply just don't follow because i don't want to see what they post and the same for searching online for news and i think they already hide stuff from us for example when i'm googling or duck duck go..ing a news headline and it's from say The Gateway Pundit those two search engines never give me Gateway pundits link, they give a sort of close match from other news sites, only when i type in Gateway pundit and then the news headline does the gateway pundit link get shown so limiting what Australians view i presume is already happening be it under the direction of our government or just by the big tech companies that are probably urged by our government.

    Just let us make our own choices on what we want to see, we should be allowed to view virtually whatever we like as adults and citizens of an open democracy and humans of the Earth, obviously things like child porn and super bad things like that should be banned and illegal and punishable by law as they already are (of which theres still heaps online) but it's just morally and ethically wrong for a government to go further than that type of thing, one can't really stop it anyway and because of this the politicians that choose to implement these Esafety Comissioner type things that she wants to will only end up making those politicians and their party unpopular as the people will end up seeing them like over-strict, over-controlling parents or something and with time most of the people will come to resent them responsible imo.

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