Hi Mr Fish I read what you say BUT The government that we have...

  1. 25,545 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Hi Mr Fish

    I read what you say BUT
    The government that we have in Australia bears little resemblance to the original Westminster system
    I have seen for many years politicians putting bills to parliament and buried in the last page is a tiny bit that removes some restriction on what government should do
    As such the politicians have gradually removed all restrictions to their activities to increase their own "personal" power
    They would far prefer to negotiate with one large entity ( which has one aim, money) than with a myriad of little businesses

    One of the items removed has been any sort of " sheriff or referee", consequently there is no limit to their actions
    The also removed any restriction or limit on borrowing

    They have effectively eliminated small business and removed another possible opposition to their plans

    I also believe that price control always opens up many subsequent problems, the problem that I see is that the bureaucrats do not enforce the existing laws, IE they are not doing the job they were put there to do

    I really can't think of one area where the bureaucrats actually do what they were put there to do
    Sorry, there is one area and that is the enforcement by any means of political policy

    Look at the BIG inquiry into Aged Care / the only result is that Providers can charge more !!!

    One set of figures that I have seen is they (Providers) charge commissions of 50% and more, what other labor supply company can charge 50%, not even solicitors charge that, REA are at 5% and we hear that is too high

    The simple fact is that business can & will charge what it likes, so without clear enforced policy they will legally do so

    I see many posts/ complaints about people and business where the initiator of the problem is another body or person, IE go to the bottom line to see the true culprit

    The final bottom line are the people who put the clowns into power, actually voted for them, wasted their fought for right to vote


    The people voted for what was always going to be basically a Communist dictatorship rather than a Democracy
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