@big e Good on you - I still haven't got enough to donate, if I...

  1. 18,124 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 168
    @big e Good on you - I still haven't got enough to donate, if I have spare, it goes to my grown-up kids -
    That's life - just said good-bye to my piano tuner, who has taken a shine to me, so I introduced him to my (now single) eldest daughter - both are musos - so there is hoping . . .
    I love animals, always have from the time I can remember . . . piano tuner always brings his dog along, who now loves me like only dogs can . . . . Lillecat always takes off, she seems to know even when they are a couple of streets away (probably watches me prepare the home, myself etc. and thinks to herself; "caution! strangers will take my territory and maybe that awful sniffy, smelly critter will be there, too!"

    We, humans, will have to mend our ways vis-a-vis animals - I find the live sheep transport cruel, can only come to terms with it, by saying to myself; it's only a single sheep which is suffering - the suffering is not magnified by numbers.
    But maybe one sheep, one creature, suffering should not be contemplated either - should we not extend that to humans too?
    Go well

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