Take a Paws, page-33727

  1. 18,303 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    @Margaret63 @Justis @310843B - It is sad to see how this nice thread has deteriorated into political bickering.
    Similar to the 'other' thread on which the originator only rarely graces us with his presence.

    As far as humans who like 'The Trump' are concerned, they seem to be in the ascendant all over the world and in need of Trump-like imitators, they all adore - in France it's even a woman - because he/they promises to keep the babies happy, rich, loved even, as long as they love him AND they will keep all their extraordinary promises, even though there is no sign of any expertise.

    All this in a world which is full of insecurities, some real, a lot of them manufactured by the incessant gossiping, sniping, politicking of average minds all over the world, who never before had such an easy outlet for their slightest itch of discomfort - no barriers, no discretion in the language used, because we can be anonymous behind our keyboards - and hey presto we have the common people call for another dictator because they are too lazy, stupid to solve their problems - 'allow this nice man who promises so much, do it all for us'.
    It is childlike, infantile behaviour, adoration of a parent figure - and that is an insult to a child because children, healthy children, have a need to grow, to become independent, to learn to be an adult; but not these 'adults' who have a need to adore a super-man, because they see themselves as 'nothing'.

    So Trump and their look-alikes all over the world will - like the Pied Piper - attempt to lead us all into disaster, because we are not grown-up enough to face our own problems and actually get up and do something about them.


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