Take a Paws, page-33985

  1. 60,728 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Just ok ? lol
    I am not a vindictive, spiteful person that hold grudges, have no time for people that wrong me, I just walk away

    On Abortions, seems it's not an issue that people talk much about in Australia because abortions are aloud here. Mind up until recently abortion was illegal here in WA but would could still get approved to have an abortion

    Abortion laws vary from state to state, see at the link below

    Can you let me know which state abortion laws if any do you find acceptable ?

    I see you don't disagree with the use of the morning after pill, should note that it can be used up to 3 days after unprotected sex

    By far the most common abortions are medical abortions which can happen up to 10-12 weeks, in case you don't know medical abortions is simply taking some pills to make the fetus non viable, it's not a surgical procedure. What's your opinion on that

    Only about 6% of abortions happen in the 13-20 week gestation period, dare say the majority of them are done due to medical complications and fetus defects. Abortions after 21 week are very rare, like less than 1% and again I would say due to medical complications and fetus defects.

    The pro-life anti-abortion people seem to make out women have late term abortions without much consideration, I don't buy the idea that a woman will carry a pregnancy of a healthy fetus for 20 weeks or more then just decide to have an abortion. Yeah may happen in a few cases but here in Australia they would have to get aproval

    Abortion in America is a hot topic since roe vs wade was overturned and some states having complete abortion bans with no exception even if the woman became pregnant due to rape or incest. What is you view on that ?
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