Take a Paws, page-34404

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    @Fishinnick, @310843B

    Some home truths in support of Joe Biden … Source, The Australian online today …


    [[[ … Former party leader Hillary Clinton, posted a short message declaring she’d be voting for Mr Biden, without referencing the debate. “The choice in this election remains very simple. It’s a choice between someone who cares about you – your rights, your prospects, your future – versus someone who’s only in it for himself,” she said on X.

    Former president Bill Clinton also weighed in, crediting Biden with pulling the US out of the “quagmire” left by Mr Trump. “I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits, but here’s what I know: facts and history matter. Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis, and launching a successful effort in reducing inflation, all while pulling us out of the quagmire Donald Trump left us in. That’s what’s really at stake in November.”…]]]

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