Morning Justis,Now you sound like a conspiracy theorist, but...

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    Morning Justis,

    Now you sound like a conspiracy theorist, but from the vaccine damage deniers camp.

    Before I say anymore, I would like to tell you about a lady who was known to me.
    She was part of my son in laws family and we knew her quite well, a really lovely person.

    In her profession she was forced to have the jabs. Her health deteriorated quickly, she was a runner and cyclist.
    It got so bad, that she became bed bound with painful inflammation. She also developed constant panic attacks.
    This led to severe depression, she was sent to the mental health unit after twice attempting suicide, she made another attempt in there, she said she couldn't live like that.
    Then a private mental health clinic, which did not help.
    Eventually she succeeded when her husband was out shopping. He came home to find her in the garden hung.

    Never in a million years would you think she could go from a really happy, active woman who adored her family and career, to a depressed invalid. The cause was clear.

    YouTuber misinterprets Covid-19 vaccine evidence on children from Singapor This link is from the extreme lefty BBC. Actually says that it misinterprets advice from the WHO. They and the WEF are the criminals here, who are behind the New World Order, in which depopulation plays a great part.

    You may have noticed that virtually no MSM dare mention any adverse reactions. This is because their silence has been paid for, along with all other authorities who have been bribed.
    The Daily telegraph UK were the first to go public about deaths and injuries, they are behind a paywall.

    John Campbell has had death threats. He is a decent human being who did take the first two shots. But as a nurse/lecturer, he became aware of the truth. He is certainly not making these videos to make money.

    But of course, WHO etc, try to shut down anyone who tells the truth.

    The vaccines were NOT tested, the approvals were pushed through in lightning speed all for the $$$$$$'s
    Ivermectin was taken off the market because it worked! Now we can't have that can we, all that profit taken away from big Pharma.

    Here is the ink from Japan.

    Everything is censored, the truth is stamped out, they will allow no debate.

    I spent weeks finding the uncensored information, after I realised what had happened to me and the lady I mentioned.
    People don't like to feel that they have been mislead, it makes them feel foolish. Well my husband and I feel foolish and bloody angry now.

    If you wish to look at the other side, perhaps do what I did and spend time reading through that Covid thread on here. To start with they were quite aggressive towards me, I couldn't understand why?
    So over a matter of days, they explained after I called them out on it.

    When they explained, I did understand, but said this will not help.
    Most of these people have been abused, lost friends and family members have turned them away, because they refused to take the jabs. They were hurt and bitter. Many lost their careers over it as well. hey are not a bunch of looneys. They just somehow new that the whole thing was a lie.
    There you will find uncensored links to the truth, but they are getting hidden all the time.

    Please Justis, do have a long read, you are an intelligent guy, who I think of as a friend. We must try and stop people falling for this latest hoax, bird flu. Sorry I have blabbed on so much, but if you knew your health had been badly damaged by big Pharma, I imagine you would feel the same. Jo Jo.
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