Take a Paws, page-34763

  1. 11,869 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 679
    Dear Penny, no you have got it all mixed up, you really have.

    Please listen. Justis first posted that transcript of the records of the court, where that young lady brought the case against Trump.
    When I read it, I was absolutely horrified. The allegations made me sick, so much detail.
    So I tried to find further information about the case against Trump, it was not difficult.

    Then some men on this thread got angry with me when I said things about Trump being accused of this awful abuse.
    So I quoted the post from Justis, as some were saying it was fake news etc.
    This is the truth, gosh I feel as if I am on trial here to protect my character!
    Penny you have made pretty wild accusations against me and Justis.

    Now I wasn’t born yesterday, I know that unfortunately a lot of men are perverts who particularly have a fancy for underage girls. Also Prince Andrew was in the picture, but he paid her to settle out of court. Many famous names were implicated, I shan’t list them all here but it makes me sick! Not all men who went to that island were logged as passengers, for obvious reasons. That was made clear in Ghislane's case.

    This reminded me very much of the last case brought to the courts against Ghislane Maxwell.
    She had to carry the can as Epstein was deceased.Mind you I am not defending her.
    I followed that trial very closely, as having got to know two beautiful young women, who were sexually abused when very young, then turned to prostitution, I am very alert and can get angry at some mens disgusting behaviour.
    I think I already mentioned that I took two young women in for a while on this thread to help them.

    For me, having sat with these young women day after day, listening to their heartbreaking stories and trying so hard to give them some motherly love and self esteem, I am exceedingly sensitive to the subject.
    One of them died of anorexia and bulimia, I don’t know what happened to the other one, quite possibly she is dead as she turned to drugs.

    Trump has clearly said one many occasions that he loves beautiful women, particularly young ones.
    Also has said that he has often grabbed females by their crotch!
    That tells me, that he has little respect for women, if any.

    Now this is your achilles heel. You seem to want to defend Trump. The only reason why is perhaps of your American family. I have no idea and basically it is none of my business.

    You don't believe about Parsifal, you don’t believe me. Well that’s ok I guess, there is no point in getting into rows about it.

    But honestly Penny, you are creating all this drama and inventing bizarre scenarios about J and I colluding.
    I will say again, it is total BS.
    My health is crap at the moment, I strongly dislike arguments and you have really been quite unkind.
    From what I have read from you, you appear to be an intelligent person who is trying to be positive in the face of adversity. I like that and have admired you for your strength.

    Please sleep on this and have an open mind. Many people come on to these threads for company, some, well many are lonely, even me as I cannot go anywhere.

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