It's a touchy subject Jo.Opinions vary on whats going on.It's my...

  1. 22,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 266
    It's a touchy subject Jo.

    Opinions vary on whats going on.

    It's my opinion that that all Putin wants to do is protect his country, with NATO's continued expansion and it's refusal over the years to let Russia join NATO even when Russia was mostly behaving itself means that Russia needs to protect it's borders and due to the geography Ukraine just happens to be the only real way into to Russia and thus it's a very important place for Russia's defense or if your on the expansionary NATO side it's a very important place to expand into to threaten Russia. For peace it's important Ukraine stays neutral as both sides don't trust each other.

    To my mind NATO and the West have no worries about Putin invading Europe or NATO countries, the fake news narrative that is in the newspapers that Putin wants to take back half of Europe or even all of Ukraine is indeed fake news and narrative, Putin has offered peace deal talk more than once and no request for all of Ukraine has been made, onlt the land he already has and where most of the people actually want to be Russian.

    Due to this i think it's best the West/NATO does a deal with Putin and accept their expansionary mistakes and stop expanding NATO towards Russia as it's an obvious threat to Russia, we just let him keep the land he has and ensure Ukraine never joins NATO or has Nukes and end the sanctions etc.

    To me this is the only way to peace in this area without a fair dinkum war and for those that are worried about Russia not sticking with a deal as mentioned above and are worried that Russia will be retarded enough to even think about let alone actually try and take European countries really need to turn our ABC and other fake news off because firstly Putin is not stupid and secondly he has zero ambition to do so and thirdly he knows he's got no hope in hell of taking any European/NATO country and thus it won't happen and thus the narratives in our MSM that suggest such a thing are simply fake.

    It comers down to.....imo

    Do we do a peace deal with him, admit our mistakes and restart peace and a new relationship or do we just continue our mistakes, not accept a peace deal and accept Ukraine into NATO and make WW3 guaranteed?

    I would try the peace option first, if that fails and Russia actually tries to expand to all of Ukraine and European countries then lets deal with the problem properly and stop stuffing around.
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