"Fancy having half the world running on a system thats dependent...

  1. 24,675 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Fancy having half the world running on a system thats dependent on one line of code to operate! LOL"

    Perhaps that's a sign of the likes to come ??? tongue.png

    Now picture the likes of the share market, shorters etc lol (not to mention, the worlds communication systems, which includes conditioning peoples)

    Rev 18:12,13 - And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
    For all the nations have drunk of the wine (words) of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”

    10 - Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

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