Take a Paws, page-36257

  1. 14,502 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 104
    My Dad would always give us a nip of Brandy if we had a shock or became ill.
    Mum would make us a cup of tea with a sugar in it. As some of us didn't like sugar much she would say it will make you feel better.

    Never understood it until later reading that sometimes in war they gave soldiers sugar water to calm them of shock.
    People always used to come to my mum for a chat and now I realise it was her cups of tea and a good ear that got them better

    Once when Dad had a fall and I had to call an ambulance the ambo made him some sugar water to sip and then prepared to move him.

    Hope you feel better. Tell those healthy blood cells to kick some butt
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