Take a Paws, page-36774

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 271
    Yeh i know Barra's are farmed, i don't eat it but i would eat one if i ever caught one up north and i didn't get eaten by a croc before hand. smile.png
    I would use a worm to catch one rather than a fly, worms work real good on trout too Dexy....Lol wink.png

    The WHO has declared Nitrosamines carcinogenic and thus they went further and said processed meats are carcinogenic because they contain nitrates and nitrites and now people like yourself worry about the nitrates and nitrites in meats and fish due to your unquestionable trust in some political institution that poses as a Health institution. The WHO says it's done 'studies' Lol rolleyes.png that determines nitrosamines increase chances of colon cancers by 18% if one consumes 50grams or more of processed meats everyday! and some other bull shit.
    The truth is they've never tested humans on 50grams of processed meats a day for long enough and what about everything else that a human would eat and consume in a day other than 50g of processed meats! All they've done is a statisical correlation which helps them scare people into eating less meat as per the UN's climate nutters narratives.
    Fact is that many foods have nitrates not just cured meats, vegetables have plenty in them and if eaten with protein which i'm sure most people do is exactly the same as eating cured meats. Vegetables must be eaten with protein though for nitrosamines to form in your gut, if you ate veges and no protein then no conversion of vegetable nitrites into 'cancerous' nitrosamines.
    Extract here from provided link...If you read it carefully they not really 100% sure about it and the WHO's own IRAC says in that link that they 'probably cause"

    " Cancer risk..

    It’s actually sodium nitrite – not nitrate – that’s linked to cancer. But if consuming nitrites alone directly caused cancer, then even eating vegetables would be harmful to us. Given this isn’t the case, it shows us that cancer risk likely comes from when the sodium nitrites react with other molecules in the body. So it isn’t necessarily the nitrates and nitrites themselves that cause health issues – including cancer. Rather, it’s what form they are converted into that can increase risk – and what these converted molecules interact with in our bodies.
    On average, though, more than half of the NOCs people are exposed to are produced in the gut. In fact, a meal of vegetables and protein would seem to provide all the ingredients needed for NOCs to form: nitrates or nitrites from the vegetables, and protein fragments from whatever type of protein is being consumed. " https://theconversation.com/why-nitrates-and-nitrites-in-processed-meats-are-harmful-but-those-in-vegetables-arent-170974

    Heres some extra food for thought for you....Most Nitrosamines, around 90% of them are carcinogenic in non-human animals, they know this because they've dosed up animals with all the different nitrosamines to find out what happens then they relate/correlate that to humans to save testing humans as gunia pigs like they did with the Mrna jabs, however these dosages given to non-humans would be much higher than any amount consumed from processed meats.

    One of the biggest users of Nitrites/Nitrates and nitrosamines is big pharma, they've had many a recall i think you'll find, they been poisoning people with this stuff for long time Dex.... These days the FDA has 'acceptable' intake limits and guidance for the industry, they never use to have these limits and obviously had much higher levels historically which would likely have much much higher concentrations than any cured meat and i give you the dilution ratios below for butchers making cures and cured meats, if i was the WHO i would first point the finger at Big Pharma products and medicines and drugs rather than the poor old butcher and his cured and processed meats, we don't have our products recalled like big pharma do plus we actually try and solve the problem rather than ban or limit something

    Due to me being a butcher this is a subject i've looked into as i've never wanted to kill any customers! Lol ( Well maybe one or two! LOL) Plus i like cured products, ham, bacon, slamai's ra ra ra.

    Did you know that only 0.5%-0/9% of the cure mix we use to cure products are nitrates in the pre packed bags we buy? Did you know that one of those cure mix bags which only weigh about 200 grams or so from memory (a half size sandwich bag for the Canada cure i use to use) then gets mixed into 45 litres of cold water and about 4-4.5 kG of salt is also added and mixed into that 45 litres, then one could pump and distribute that 45 litre cure mix into maybe 200-300kgs or more of meat so at the end of the day you won't be consuming much Nitrite/Nitrates in a single serve of any processed meat imo, wouldn't be very many milli grams or micro grams at all or nano grams at all, just think of the above dilution rate. Then the meat swims in a pond we have in the fridge we call a pickle which is just salty water and this would leech even more Nitrates and nitrites out of the saleable product thus adding to the dilution factor.

    Also near the end of my butchering career the fake news was downramping processed meats and citing cancer risks, the TV had programs all over it saying bacon would kill you stone dead or shows to that kind of extent, it effected sales Dex, still some like you are effected but heres the real rub of the story, after all this downramping a few of us butchers did some research on these claims to see if we could make our products safer for human consumption if one is to believe this WHO anti meat cancer propaganda from the media and the WHO etc and we found three main significant points and these are....

    1. Nitrates and nitrites are not carcenogenic but nitrosamines are, nitrosamines are mainly produced in the gut from consuming protein and nitrites/nitrates and these nitrates and nitrites are found in many vegetables, nuts as well as processed meats, they don't explain to people that if you just eat plain meat and consume vegetables with it at dinner time your gut will also produce carcinogenic nitrosamines from the nitratetes and nitites in your vegetables. They mainly pick on bacon Ham, Salami, all pork and something Muslims don't like us eating if you haven't noticed! Absolutely no downramping of vegetables and the nitrites and nitrates they contain. They also don't list or publish the 10% of nitrosamines which are not cancerous and which industry might be able to use. All they give us is the less meat narrative pretending to be health narrative.

    2. We found a solution Dex, some butchers now make hams and Bacon and processed cured products in Oz which would create no Nitrosamines inside the gut or outside the gut, in fact we found research in around 1970 found that adding 550ppm of ascorbic acid into the cured meat product this ascorbic acid actually inhibits nitrosmaine formation and as nitrosamine is actually the carcenogenic the WHO pretends to be worried about adding 550ppm to the 45L cure mix i described above solves the problem, Since 1970 manufactured meats are required to have the 550ppm ascorbic acid added.

    3. If the WHO actually cared about your health they would advise all processed meat makers globally to add 550ppm ascorbic acid to their products so they are safe from cancer risks. But no, the WHO ignores the 1970 findings and US government sensible requirement regulation and ignores the chance to reduce peoples health risks or cancer risks from nitrosamines by simply recommending authorities to require 550ppm Ascorbic acid (vit C) in the mix to ensure no nitrosamine formations can't happen from eating processed meats.
    Quote here from wiki link under the "Cancer" heading in the link
    " Around 1970, it was found that ascorbic acid (vitamin C), an antioxidant, inhibits nitrosamine formation.[72] Consequently, the addition of at least 550 ppm of ascorbic acid is required in meats manufactured in the United States. ......"

    Due to Ascorbic acid being a solution to processed meats cancerous properties the WHO in this case cannot possibly have peoples health as priority, it obviously has a political ideology as it's agenda instead which after watching everything that went on with covid it's no real surprise WHO put politics and ideology before health is it Dex?

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