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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 261
    Only you know why you hold or don't hold a stock, when you ask...i don't hold for that reason? i'm not a mind reader LOL. However , without being a smartarse i will say these things on the matter.

    This is how i look at it...

    No-one can legitimately work out what the value of rts is , putting a 'value' number on a share like that is impossible, brokers play a game of fantasy when they say such and such a share is worth $10 or whatever...it's all bullcrap, it's just a mechanism to sell themselves and the particular stock they are pumping or shorting, the truth is they have no idea and neither do we really. The TRUE value of a company is what it can be liquidated for any price higher than that is all guess work and what they think they can SELL it for. Price and value are completely different things, people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Think of the difference between the two different things as the premium or if your lucky the discount.
    It's like trying to put a stationary trajectory on a moving target....chances are you'll miss. Imo what one has to do is work out the future trajectory from a relative perspective, everything is relative. You'll have to work out if profits are going to rise faster than they have been, the same or less, the market changes the value of the sp's everyday, check the brokers reports to see what their best guesses are and work out your own guess and then look at it relatively, for example and after you've made sure the books are legit, if the general consensus is 10% growth the market will price that consensus on a daily basis and if your DD thinks the profits will increase to 15% then the chances are the SP is underpriced, if your DD thinks the profits will only be 5% then the sp will be overpriced... One sort of has to use the consensus of brokers etc because they handle the majority of the volumes traded and thus control the price within a band on a genralised basis. One buys cheap or sells at highs because one has seen something before most of the market, one has to be ahead of the game, the market is a future pricing mechanisn and rarely prices things at true value.

    Think of this truth....... I have or had 3 accountants in my family, i asked each one to work out what a particular companies value was or what it was worth.... guess what the answer was? ....... They were all different, valuation and even accounts are all based on opinion and these different opinions can have exponantial effects on a valuation number......accounts and valuations are not an exact science.....Things, companies or anything is only worth what someone will pay, nothing more.

    Companies that have REAL assets are different but one should make discounts throughout the auditting or DD process to make sure ones valuation is not over the top. REAL assets are not intangibles. I never buy Banks, Insurance companies, construction companies etc etc PAPER companies are high risk imo, they are good for shorting when they get in a mess and they always will get in a mess one day. Yes i may miss those profits and be a little narrow minded but thats how i was taught and this game is like buffet says...the idea is NOT to lose.

    I hope this helps if you can understand what im trying to say from my poor english skills.

    With the pandemic and IMO, i think the MSM has scared you far too much, also Australians don't reflect the rest of the world, they are much more like sheep and love being told what to do comparitively speaking...i'm not sure why, it might be the convict roots lol
    If you have a look at the cdc link i posted on Dex's pin pondering thread and also search the site for more data you'll see only about 6% or 7& of the deaths are solely due to covid and these numbers will be exagerrated too, the rest of the deaths are from people who already had on average 2.6 other life threatening illnesses, yes they died earlier than expected and theoretically covid killed them but if you think about it covid only killed them because they were already sick. And don't get me wrong this covid thing is bad and ALL the deaths are bad and sad but the whole thing isn't anywhere near as bad as what the MSM and governments are trying to make you believe... All Imo The worst thing for SP's is the government action. The other thing to note is instead of 70,000 people dying from the normal flu like they do every year in the states, no-one has, so you can subtract that figure immediately just on a common sense basis. On a positive note, vaccines are not too far away and most people survive, even my mothers 78 yr old mate in pommy land was all go again after 4 days and had no medication. The numbers we are being told are not realistic imo.

    I think you'll find there was a few people out there that predicted this type of election outcome, with hindsight it should have been obvious, the only way for the Dems to win was to cheat. I don't really know who'll win but it can't be too long before we find out.

    Over 50 million yanks are forecast to travel for thanksgiving, will probably be more, they don't give a stuff about covid in the main, be it maga people or BLM protestors or californian democrats going out to dinner or pelosi getting her hair done or juust friends and families gathering they just continue with life while the media tries to peddle fear. The intelligent thing to do is protect the high risk people.

    I like nanna naps too.
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