Take a Paws, page-9160

  1. 29,775 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1453
    It's been decades since I've seen a gecko @michelef - first seen maybe in Tennant Creek or the Alice.
    I was told to keep plugs in the sink and bathtub as well.

    They took delight in frightening me and thought I'd be r/s the next morning if I couldn't sleep or had nightmares.
    It was the thought of them dropping onto my bed I didn't like.

    It turns out those dogs were pit bulls - against 3 you would have very little hope.

    I don't do twitter @bunbun - I had best not start - I can get into enough trouble on HC.

    On the jab certificate for the phone - either my lovely nurse, my dog friend or one of the girls next door might help.
    otherwise I'll carry a hard copy.
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