Mmm, me thinks man should not play God but then there is this:...

  1. 13,105 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 95
    Mmm, me thinks man should not play God but then there is this:

    "Couple that with the Xenobots’ already reported self-healing powers—they can regrow after being sliced to pieces—and they could become formidable agents in regenerative medicine, used to fight everything from traumatic injuries, to birth defects, to aging. One day, they could even be used as autonomous surgeons."

    and this
    "But of course, the Xenobots’ display of independence also calls to mind the rise of the machines—alarmingly, perhaps, to some, as science fiction has conjured dystopias where robots with vastly superior intelligence conquer the human race. However, researchers say there’s nothing to fear: Xenobots currently cannot live outside of a laboratory and, without any nutrition or energy sources, have short lifespans, dying after only a few weeks. Their creation was funded in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), under the Department of Defense, which oversees new technologies for military use." taken from article on Fastcompany.

    Yeah, tech for military use, hehe.
    I could so meme this.
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