Take a Paws, page-3255

  1. 17,896 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 146
    @wotsup - I have - this morning - re-read your very interesting 'confession ' of a spiritual journey, the outcome of which is still unclear - or so it appears to me.

    I have fairly definite religious/philosophical views, which I rarely discuss with anyone, but have a friend now, who tries to convert me to a rather narrow religious view. I find myself, in discussion with him, to be often 'the devil's advocate' and do not wish to be that, but understand how his mind works - and slowly grapple my way to some kind of solution which must include mutual trust but above all 'respect'. I can see your wife's reaction in this situation.

    I rarely try to convert anyone. I gave that up a long time ago, when I once berated a much older couple than myself (I was 17 at the time) that they owed it to themselves and the working class and to 'democracy' to go out and put their vote in for a certain party. They were very polite and told me they had lived long enough to know what they are doing.

    I left and arriving outside in the street (this was in Europe) I began to feel ashamed at my action and my words. I realised I lacked respect.
    I mean 'respect' for the opinion and attitude of much older people who had so much more experience of life.

    This sentiment has remained with me ever since.

    I do believe we all have our very own versions of G.d - or the after-life or the way we interact with people and how we deal with our conscience and we should just be gentle with one another. All our life paths are so individual and primarily dictated by what kind of environment we were born into, what kind of parents we had and so on - and this marks us for the rest of our lives.

    I believe 'respect' is a very important virtue and can be applied to almost anything and gets good results, whether it is other people's religion, culture, race, or an animal's life even (I am trying to eat less meat, would like to be vegetarian)

    Thought, I'd let you know this - before I b....r off and do some real work.
    go well

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