Take a Paws, page-32429

  1. 19,642 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 484
    Thanks Fish
    interesting read with words that I havent a clue what they mean
    my interest is because,

    a couple of years ago
    I had a heart attack and a couple of by passes

    I asked the cardo dr's why me
    (seems thats a common question)
    in my situation
    I was rather fit for my age, weight ok for my height
    and rather active
    didnt eat much or if at all so called junk food
    no lollys or choc stuff
    we cook mainly fresh foods
    no smokes ever in my life
    try and eat as much sea food as possible
    very low drinker, a bottle of wine lasts 3 to 4 days for me

    and his answer was
    its in your genes
    its in your family
    and he was 100%right !
    asked how long has this been building around my heart
    the answer was at least 10 years
    (this totally blew me away)

    I has two arteries blocked 96 and 94%
    (I won gold lotto, right there)

    This might save some one
    my experience

    at 9pm I took a shower, ready for bed
    that afternoon I had used the whipper snipper

    after the shower, I felt a pain, slight pain the size of a 10 cent coin
    on the edge of my left arm pit

    didnt think anything of this pain and went to bed
    next day it was still there and then it moved half way to my neck
    arr thats all because of the whipper snipping.. I thought

    next day it moved again.. thinking now that odd
    went to bed

    next day
    my thinking was... this cannot be right, this moving
    the size or slight pain had not increased

    I might ask a Dr........ might

    with the wife in the car
    I droved about 5/6ks or more to the After Hours Drs
    told them
    and straight within 2 minutes a ECG was placed on me
    and the chart came or like a 2 year old had a pen all over it

    was told straight to EM Hos, >>>> now......which was about 2 ks away
    faster to HAVE MY Wife drive me than wait for the Ambo's

    in hos for 3 weeks

    NOW the message to all
    this idea of pain in the middle of the chest is a heart attack
    is correct.... BUT not always
    ANY PAIN, above the bottom of the ribs should be ...it could be...

    and this includes a small and low feeling pain area
    like mine

    and dont be a bloody fool like me
    and wait 2 days plus after the heart attack before doing anything
    as you might not ever wake up

    and dont be a bloody fool like me
    and drive your self
    as I could have crashed and killed some one

    trust this might save a life
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