Straight back in classic Froggy style "It ain't my problem" ~ It...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 401
    Straight back in classic Froggy style

    "It ain't my problem" ~ It yours !!! With a closing tag on "your" market brilliance as of today.

    Why all the prior relentless venom then.

    I knew my words would likely be wasted though thought it worth a try.

    As usual a one-way trip up the river to Froggy "Apocalypse Now' land is being played ~ againnnn.

    (Fyi, the Mods are very lenient on Forums or you would rightfully be completely banned).

    If 'your humour' keeps you "sane" than I most certainly will stick to my own.

    (Fyi, those who know me, often mention my timely well-read positive wit over say one's incessant childish need for constant nagging attention given in poorly considered derision).

    I 'own' my problems & try not to hide behind them through direct or indirect blaming/venting at others.

    A known mature leap forward in making others live's better.

    Lost on many who believe it "their right" to 'keyboard carpet-bomb' with impunity in mindless imprecision. Ever whinging but never really solving anything.

    And yet somehow deludedly & unapologetically believing their own ill-informed unbalanced views as somehow-being of value.

    Broaden your self-declared "big picture guy" horizons & try some real self-effacement.

    The "big picture guy" knows the true problem is 'with-in' & not in others.

    A less offensive method to lighten the loads of the many others who 'had' to bear it & now leave one so lonely that plaguing this one little Forum incessantly seems the staple of one sad life. Despite the weirdly timed so-called attempts at 'humour'.

    No doubt the usual forecoming weekend manifold replies will not be worth reading.

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