If the big picture guy knows it's within then why you pointing...

  1. 12,878 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 274
    If the big picture guy knows it's within then why you pointing the finger at me?
    I do think you read my posts with the wrong tone of voice in your head.
    I certainly don't feel anger when I post.
    Mostly just gobsmacked at the inconsistencies with information from the company.
    Not sure how I'm supposed to solve the companies problems. I have rung other companies to inform them about Graphene and FGR to try and get more sales.
    I'm trying to raise issues that need questioning.
    Some like my humour, I'm definately not doing it for attention. Just prefer this to th or second life etc. I have invested money and like to be proactive, my right.
    Yes I go off on tangents at times. An elephant in the room to many might see me vent anguish, but I've committed to leaving that brand on the bottle shop shelf.
    Good to see your writing style is less cryptic btw..
    Also on the money front it's all relative to how much we have, the percentage I have in fgr is quite substantial for me. I didn't appreciate you being condescending of my worth here based on that.
    I'm not the enemy Idjut.
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