talk back radio - dial up democracy

  1. 207 Posts.

    I posted this piece in the wrong forum last time so have decided to re-post it in the applicable forum - politics

    Paul Keating once said “ if you can educate John Laws you can educate middle Australia”…. well the same euphemism is still applicable with current talk back radio presenters educating middle Australia on the woeful inadequacies of the current Government.
    Many of the disastrous policies of Labor, The Greens and The Independents have been exposed and ridiculed for what they are…….ineptitude of the highest order!
    Think BER, Pink Bats, Boat People, Carbon Tax, MRRT, NBN, Medicare Levy, Pokie Tax, Fair Work Australia….…. The list goes on and on!

    Many of the abovementioned policies have been challenged and changed through the voice of the people, via talk back radio.
    The Pink Bat debacle exposed by Ray Hadley and promptly cancelled along with the removal of Garrett.
    The BER, exposed by Alan Jones and Ray Hadley which was significantly amended to offer better value for money and accountability. Coal Seam gas exposed by Alan Jones and cancelled by the new Liberal Govt. in Qld. and under review in NSW.
    The Carbon Tax and MRRT, aggressively challenged and exposed for what they are……just another tax on society, the outcome of which , will be inscribed on the epitaph of the Labor gravestone at the next Federal election when they are relegated to their rightful position as one of irrelevance and insignificance.

    The voice of talk back radio has the potential to become the most potent political force in the country, far greater than the political parties could ever dream of becoming…...why? because they can connect with conservative and middle Australia. They can articulate the views of the overwhelming majority and, most importantly, give those people a chance to express their views.

    Australians, by nature, are passionate and opinionated and through talkback radio they have an opportunity to make a difference, a freedom this incompetent administration is planning to deny by way of amending media laws in order to stifle public opinion and prevent the truth from being exposed in order to validate their lies, spin and deceit.

    I am confident that those who are the subject of the “politics of envy” tirades and vitriol by these trumped up former “union shop stewards” and “ office clerks” who lead the ALP, will support talk back radio in it’s endeavor to give the voting public a voice.
    Furthermore, these attacks should empower and motivate the presenters and management of talk back radio stations to lambast this ineffective administration with renewed vigor and potency.

    Since the federation of Australia Labor Governments have been destroying the economic growth and prosperity of this country whilst Liberal Governments have been left to rebuild from the ruins.

    We can only hope that through talk back radio we can all help to break this political cycle, that has encumbered Australia, will be destroyed forever and the conservative voice of Australia will regain control of our destiny and future.
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