'taming the mind' , page-82

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Until you can show that you have experience, is all you are doing, is quoting from 2500 year old Buddhist philosophy.

    How do you actually know that what you are quoting is correct?

    Western mysticism would totally disagree with much of the Buddhist philosophy.

    We are not just a gross body, surely you must have realised that by now. There is far more to life than meets the eyes.

    "where does ddzx actually exalt themselves, thus not be 'humble'?"

    Statements such as not right, wrong etc don't really apply when it comes to spiritual matters and show a lack of development ie questioning or humility. There are varying levels of consciousness, and what may be correct at one level for one person, may in fact be incorrect at another.

    When you know, then you will be able to express your ideas simply and in your own words.

    "as for 'uplifting' those languishing in spiritual poverty, to uplift them is never my intention

    my intention is the very opposite, that they see their poverty & possibly seek proper nutrition"

    What, do you seek to put others down? Rather dour and uninspiring way to help your fellow man. Again, you seem to be placing yourself above the rest..."their poverty".

    The third eye is not illusory as Buddhism seems to agree exists, like everything else, it does serve a higher purpose, but it does not become active until a certain level of consciousness has been attained. The third eye enables the perception of the Unity. We are but cells of a greater whole, and so it is important to help one another. What you do to yourself, you also do to others.

    "As you judge, so too shall you be judged"

    "Chrysalis, once, I recall, claimed to have realisation equal to Buddha "

    Absolute rubbish Ddzx, nor have I ever claimed to know the mind of the Buddha to which you constantly refer, in fact I have said to you before that I find Buddhist philosophy overly complicated and confusing. Once again, I will say that it does not appeal.

    "Buddha denied the 'soul' by simply ignoring it, since he only spoke of what was experienceable & thus could form an object of attachment

    please do not blame another for your karmic fruits

    when one slanders or misrepresents, that is a very bad naughty karma

    it is funny how those that cannot even quote an authentic Buddhist scripture claim to know the mind of Buddha"

    The soul also called the causal body is "the small voice within" and it is this which attempts to guide the personality. So why would one ever seek to ignore it is beyond reasoning.

    The fruits of the path are personal to every seeker Ddzx, and they have been the best experiences in my life.

    Liberation only refers to the freedom to continue one's evolution elsewhere, doesn't mean that the journey has ended.

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