Tanya Plibersek

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Called a press conference today (why do people have press conferences wherein viewers can't HEAR the questions - just the replies?)

    Poor old Tanya's still stuck on "shirtfront!" Her whilst her counterpart, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, meanwhile, was actually meeting with Putin, personally, overseas, at some do they were both delegates at - whilst Tanya was mewling staleness.

    Then she moved on to "girly-man". Po faced sulking over this. (What, SHorten can't defend himself?) This should keep her with sopmething to talk about for the rest of next week - at least. This woman's totally clueless. What she doesn;t knwo - she makes up!

    Funny, irate feminists of the heavy Left one eyed variety -start screaming blue murder - but, back then, not a peep out of any of them - when vile. and vicious Gillard, totally off topic, screamed "misogynist" at A startled Abott - in Coward's Castle - gravely, deliberately insulting Abbott (who laughed it off) - and his wife, his daughters, his sister, his grandmother his aunts, his extended female family members and and frineds - and his female staff members. NO feminists defended them!

    As I keep saying - the Left - and angry feminists - making a career out of nothing - total hypocrites. Always selective outrage! To further their slimy agendas..

    Diverting - Anyone notice - too - how, with regard to the tragic fatal shooting of the young Muslim man recently, in Melbourne - who, allegedly, pulled a knife and stabbed police a few weeks ago with intent to kill - everyone of the Left is always totally absorbed with detail regarding this potential alleged killer , and what made him come to this - but I've never e never heard one Leftist commentator ever bother to ask - show the slightest interst or concern - tell us on radio, TV, or any ABC program - just HOW these stabbed police members are progressing. How is THEIR health??? These police deserve a bravery medal. I hope their health is improving well.

    Maybe Ms. Plibersek could get a gig doing the TV weather? She has nothing else to talk about. She's trying hard to get rid of the sneer, though -replaced it with "if I keep looking deadly serious and concerned, about diversionary trivialities,maybe I'll make Leader?" One day?

    My take.
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