Tasmanian forests to go

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    Tasmania’s parliament yesterday passed new forestry laws to undo the state’s forest “peace” deal. The laws are the most significant step so far in delivering the Liberal government’s pledge to “tear up” the Tasmanian Forest Agreement, formed in 2013 between the forest industry, government and environmental groups.
    The law undoes around 400,000 hectares of reserves created in the agreement. These will be shifted into a new land category — Future Potential Production Forest Land. After 2020 the minister responsible will be able to convert these lands to permanent timber production zone land where native forest logging can happen.

    The Conversation

    The greens can't even protect what they are there for

    This is a disaster for Tasmania, a disaster that will take another three hundred years to fix even if they start today

    With any problem you have to get down to the basics and with Tasmania it is that little bit of wet stuff between them and the mainland, this is the noose around their necks it stifles everything and every effort to make money on the Island

    So simple solution which will make un-necessary the cutting down of one of the most important forest areas in Australia and selling it for a few cents per tonne and that is for the government to take over the ferry service and makes it FREE or almost so.

    The tourists would flock there, the produce that they grow would be competitive on the mainland market, in general Tasmania would boom.

    Time for politicians to think pro-actively and the Greens to do what they were voted in for
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