PO3 0.00% 22.0¢ purifloh limited

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    1.    Purifloh(Po3) (updated version 8th of January 2019)


    Have agood read of this stock before investing and always do your own research, I’mnot giving any financial advice to anyone here but I’m here to help peopleunderstand this hidden treasure


    Why become a long-term holder?


    Investingin a company with good fundamentals is essential for every investor becausegood fundamentals equals good growth in the big picture I am not talking aboutweekly/daily type movements I am talking years and decades of movement sopatience is always required. Holding a stock for the long term ensures youdon’t miss out on anything that happens to the company so you can get rid ofFOMO and essentially not have a worry in the world about the stock because youknow where it’s going to go in the long term and you will reap the benefits,the only reasons for selling should be if you have to sell for personal reasonsor the reason you brought the stock in the first place changes


    Why invest into Purifloh?

    Well lets first of all go into what is Purifloh?


    Thecontamination of our global environment is becoming more complex and harder tosolve.

    Thesafety of what we breathe, what we drink and what we touch is no longer certain.

    Purifoy,we deliver to the world, new technologies to protect what matters most.

    Oursuccess will benefit our shareholders, the environment and the people of theworld.

    Weintroduce our Free Radical Generation (FRG) technology that can;

    ·        PurifyContaminated Indoor Air – chemical free system for elimination of airbornebacteria and the smallest of contaminated particles. Ideal for induct orportable systems in homes, healthcare, offices, hotels, aged care, planes andcommunity facilities

    ·        CleanWater – chemical free high kill rates of water borne bacteria. Ideal for residentialand commercial pools, industrial waste water and drinking water systems

    ·        SterilizeSurfaces of infectious pathogens – chemical free, with high kill rates ofbacteria and diseases. Ideal for hospitals and medical facilities

    ·        Openother possibilities and markets. These are currently being developed.

    At theheart of each solution is our FRG, a unique cold plasma system which providesthe platform technology for a multitude of new product and applicationpossibilities.

    Wearerlooking for equipment and manufacturing partners to help deliver this technology.

    Whatis Free Radical Generation (FRG)technology?

    OurFree Radical Generation (FRG) technology delivers powerful oxidizing agents,including streams of airborne hydroxyl radicals, to purify and sterilize.

    Thisunique technology platform can be deployed in multiple markets including airpurification, water treatment and surface sterilization.

    The FRG;

    ·        Ishighly flexible in its ability to generate a range of ‘radicals’ that can bechanneled as agents of purification and sterilization

    ·        Isachemical free treatment – the only inputs are air, water (in the case ofHydroxyl radical generation) and electricity

    ·        cangenerate ozone (oxygen radicals) using ambient air thereby negating need fortemperature controlled, purified oxygen as the ozone feed gas

    ·        canproduce streams of Hydroxyl radicals that are powerful sanitizing agents, ableto eliminate infectious contaminants, such as those found in hospitals andmedical facilities

    ·        Combinesthe generation of radicals with direct plasma treatment within the chamber ofthe reactor for a duel treatment impact

    ·        Isafully scalable and proven system.





    Whoare on the board and are the top 20 holders?





    ObservationsbyTUKEBAY )

    ·             Dilatohas been reducing but has NOTSOLD 1 SHARE ON MARKET. Dilato has been in PO3before its first day of trade and will be there until the company is acquiredby a major. It’s reduction in percentage held is solely through dilution oreffectively gifting stock to incumbent management to help give them a stake inthe future success of the company – a stroke of genius IMHO.

    ·             Bylin’sstock is now held by Parfet.The masterful handling of this transaction reallyboosted my already high esteem of management.

    ·             HolbrookCorporation came on board during the Dec. ’17, $625k CR. Holbrook is a companyassociated with property tycoon Max Beck, who is worth over $500m.

    ·             AndraRush is a very successful Detroit-based businesswoman. She’s also participatedin the CR and is probably worth closer to $1bn. No doubt she is wired into PO3via Somnio.

    ·             RiveckNominees P/L is associated with a Ruth Paneth and appears on a few ASX Top 20sand seems to like the smaller end of the Aussie market. Interestingly, TalPaneth, no doubt related appears as no. 15 on the register. Both participatedin the CR.

    ·             GemtaraInvestments – NFI, but has been on the register a long time and has boughtsubstantially more stock; I assume via CR.Targo Holdings/Simon Lill/SteveAnnear – all directors of PO3.

    ·             ViennaHolding Pty Ltd is a company associated with well-known corporate identity Ron Grajewski.He also apparently participated in the CR.

    ·             Lampam P/L is a company associated with well known corporate identity Peter Marksof FLC and NOX fame. He also apparently participated in the CR and come to thinkof it could be a VERY useful contact in helping PO3 exploit their watertechnology.

    ·             JBToro – NFI.

    ·             FionaMorgan – NFI but has been on the register a long time without selling a share.

    ·             ContinentalGlobal Investments P/L –has been reducing and is probably all out by now.

    ·             MalcolmRichmond – NFI, but hasn’t sold a share for a long time.

    ·             HopetounNoms. P/L is associated with former Perth stockbroker Craig Bromley who alsoseemingly participated in CR.

    ·             CredalInter. Ltd. – NFI, but hasn’t sold any stock.

    ·             Seemsas though Michael Dimitrioushas sold out – sure he’s pleased about that…NOT!

    ·             Interestingto note two “identities “on 2017 register who wouldn’t have had enough stockfor 2018 Top 20 – Rodney Adler and, more significantly, Gavin Rezos of Alexiumand D13 fame.




    Some of the large names that are investors in the company are


    Andra Rush-a few interesting articles below (she is believed to be a billionaire)






    PresidentBarack Obama praised Rush in his 2014 State of the Union Address for creatinghundreds of manufacturing jobs in Detroit with the June 2012 opening of DetroitManufacturing Systems. DMS, with $1 billion in revenue and more than 800 localemployees, and ranked third on Crain's list of largest minority-ownedbusinesses last year.


    WilliamParfet- a few interested articles and announcements (A billionaire investor)




    https://purifloh.com/asx-announcements/(equityraising of 9.6m concluded)


    A$9.6 million raised through placement of4 million shares at $2.40 per share to a key cornerstone investor, UpjohnLaboratories LLC of Michigan.


    Upjohn is a family investment company ofMichigan investor and businessman, Mr. Bill Parfet, who has also agreed to jointhe Board of Purifloh.


    WilliamParfet paid a premium price for their shares through a capital raising onNovember the 7th 2018 which puts the company in a very strong position cashwise and will not need capital raisings from this point on


    WilliamParfet has participated in Multi billionaire dollar companies and he is capableof turning this small cap into a large cap company (just look at his trackrecord)


    Boardof directors






    Alonghistory of working in capital markets as a broker and with shareholder andinvestor based service companies providing advice to many different ASX listedcompanies. Mr. Morris is also a Non-Executive Director of De Grey Mining and onthe Board of the Melbourne Football Club.



    ExecutiveDirector – Operations

    GeneralManager of Somnio’s operations over the last 3 years with a long history ofdevelopment and deployment of commercial strategies through senior managementroles in large Industrial companies in Australia. This experience has includedmergers, acquisitions, supply chain transformations and various strategicchange programs which make Steve most uniquely placed to assist the Companydevelop its production, supply and marketing capabilities.



    ExecutiveDirector – Corporate

    Alengthy history of capital markets, business development and management ofsmall ASX listed companies, he has recently spent significant time inrestructuring and recapitalizing ASX listed companies and uniquely placed tounderstand the challenges ahead for Purifloh.




    Anextensive career history in professional engineering and within theinfrastructure and utilities sector. She is currently Chair of South East Water,the Victorian owned water utility, and its commercial subsidiary, iota Services.



    Jeremy’srole is to support the Board through its critical early stage developmentstrategies. He has most recently been the global Executive Manager –Innovation, Commercialization and Digital, for GHD, an 8,500-strongprofessional services company. He is a professional engineer and brings to theCompany energy, passion and experience in developing implementable strategies.


    We cansee some big names on the board and a very strong team which is all a part ofwhat is needed for the tick in the box for the fundamental side of things.


    Financial position


    Referto the announcement labelled “appendix4e and Purifloh annual report 30 June2018” and “Purifloh converts Semiglobal HOA to binding licensing agreement”


    We cansee that the company operates at low cash expenditure with net operating cashflows of 624k for the last financial year and a recent 9.6m capital raising(Thanks BP) we are sitting with approx.9.5m in the bank account


    Purifloh signed a HOA to license Somnio’sIP in December 2017 – HOA now converts to a formal and binding licensingagreement


    Execution secures PO3’s exclusive globalrights to the commercialization of Somnio’s Free Radical Generation (FRG)technology


    Exclusive rights deliver markets withglobal scale and strong growth profiles, notably: •Air purification anddisinfection • Treatment of water and fluids • Biofilm disinfection andfacility sterilization


    Milestone payments and any upfrontconsideration for the IP have been removed in favored royalty payments solelyfrom revenue generation



    Price target- $20



    Charting for PO3 (a nicecup and handle) very strong TA





    Overall this is thekey dates

    The completion ofthe prototype of the water treatment-Due- in the next few weeks

    Field trails of thewater treatment beginning- Due- January 2019

    Completion of thefield trials- Due-March/April2019

    Contractsand marketing -Due-May-June2019

    First sales of thewater treatment tech -Due- Q3 2019

    The airpurification System field trail results- January/Feb and April/May

    The licensing ofthe air purification- Due- February/March

    Contracts andmarketing- Due-Q3/Q4of 2019

    Sales of the airpurification -Due-Q1 2020

    Now the surfacesterilisation

    Proof of concept- Due-ANY DAY NOW TO START

    finishing of theproof of concept- due- January/Feb 2019

    Field trailscommencing- Due- March 2019

    Field trailsfinalising- Due- Q3/Q4 2019

    Market andcontracts- Due- Q1 2020

    First sales- Due-Q2 2020

    Interim report- Feb 27th

    Patents filed- between now and March

    Now this is whereis gets interesting they will start manufacturing the FRG technology in May whichis so exciting in which we will get another update!

    In the news

    I ran a search engine on po3and we didn’t get any mentions for about a month until the new year/late lastyear





    Overall PO3 are in a very strongposition with management, cash flows, operating cash flows, have a solid proventechnology which is due to go into market next year, a couple of billionaires,low number of shares, 90% holders in the top 20 and a $20 evaluation to topthings off! Get in while this stock is still cheap I’ve only given the realbasic information on everything and summed it up apart from that go and do yourown research and you will find a lot of information! Please share your findingsas we are all learning and are on the same track



    Numberof shares on issue-31.38 million




    Enjoythe rest of your week! Smit

    PO3 share Price at posting:$5.12 Sentiment: Buy

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