temp extrema

  1. 231 Posts.
    Surface Temperature Extrema from Formal Records.

    World Highest
    +58.0C 13-Sep-1922, El (or Al) Azizyah (120m), Libya.

    World Lowest
    -89.6C 21-Jul-1983, Vostok Station (3490m), Antarctica.

    Australian Continental Highest
    +53.1C 16-Jan-1889, Cloncurry (180m), QLD.

    Australian Continental Lowest
    -23.0C 29-Jun-1994. Charlotte Pass (1900m), NSW.
    (-20C has only been broken thrice in Aus, as I recall.)

    * Vostock dates from 1957 (IGY). Prev. records are from other
    Antarctic locations. The temp is interesting as it's likely the
    only example of a ground temp breaking the PSC-2 of -88C.

    These extrama are in clear antiphase with the 100yr trend. Hottest are earliest, and coldest are latest. What is the significance of that? The 100yr periodicity variance is not resolved. Not surprising. See the "statistics 101" post. If you haven't resolved the Gaussian noise, you have nothing.

    Signal + Noise = observed. If you dont know the spectral power distribution (variance) of Gaussian Noise, then any claim of resolving the systematic Signal
    are rubbish.
    (Example: power lines causing lukemia assertions were thouroughly debunked.)

    That is as obvious to a scientist as 1+1 is to an anti-Semitic imbercile.
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