denny - ten major u.s. disasters on sig Denny,The infinite...

  1. 328 Posts.
    denny - ten major u.s. disasters on sig Denny,

    The infinite universe seems an orderly place where one can only feel privileged with eyes to see where we are and brains to wonder why.


    Exactly! Why are we here? If there is a god, was he this a game....??

    A god who has created whatever it is that we know....and have yet to discover, did not do so because he was bored.

    Being bored is a human frailty.

    There has to be a purpose.....there has to be an end game...leading to something more spectacular than what we can possibly imagine.

    No, I'm not talking about an eternity of Islamic inspired human porn type arousals.

    I'm talking about an intellectual enlightenment.... that is where the pursuit of a never ending knowledge, wisdom and understanding would be the one and only reason for....... existing.

    That could be as close to god as one could ever get....but the gulf between god and the human intellect even at that level, would not be a the pursuit would be all that matters....nothing else.


    It also goes to show that an omnipotence, omnipresent, omniscience teddy if one could exist, needs logic but logic does not need a teddy.


    God created ...logic.

    And as the creator, he can change the rules of the suspend them whenever he wishes to do so.

    Creation did not end after 6 days.....

    There is a continual process of creation...every second.

    Logic only exists because god wants it to.....

    Logic...per se does not know why it is here...not is it bothered by the question. It has no thought processes....its like a tree...a lump of wood...or a rock.

    It is here to be utilized by man.......

    It needs no teddy...just as a rock doesn't.

    But without a teddy willing it to simply would not.

    It...and everything else on this this the whole shebang out here for one purpose and one purpose only.

    To be utilized by order to assist to draw closer to the supreme being which created him.

    Like anything else..logic can be potent...just as a knife in the hands of a madman....or it can be beneficial...just as a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon.

    How we use logic is at our disrection.....having the ability to make a choice.....

    But on its own...logic is no more than a piece of can't do anything on its own.

    It's nothing more than another ongoing creation of god.

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