denny - ten major u.s. disasters on sig BUT you say "God created...

  1. 328 Posts.
    denny - ten major u.s. disasters on sig BUT you say "God created ...logic." How do you know this important fact?

    That doesn't seem to be logical to denman here.

    That's because you were created by a teddy.

    Have to get yourself a real god...then the penny may drop.

    Ok..on a more serious note......I take the view that god was here not only there is no concept of first or last.....otherwise one could suggest that there were previous gods or that others were in the wings.....but that he was always here...and always will be.

    time from his perspective is second...more hour ...a years....a hundred thousand years.....all the same time itself is a creation.

    It therefore follows (from where I sit) that if he was the one and only eternal supreme being.....(is and will be for infinity).......anything/everything that follows/ed is a direct result of his creation.

    He has set his creations in an orderly fashion that is..... following laws of nature...however those very laws are in themselves a creation...and the creation does not is a I said ongoing process...because if god stopped the process of creation....we would simply cease to be.

    It's not as if we would explode..implode..fade away..etc etc....we would simply cease to be.....we meaning everything....

    It would be ex nihilo again.

    Pure and absolute nothingness.....not even a microcosim of matter that could possibly collide with another microcosim leading up to a big bang.

    And that's the way it was before creation.

    What's so hard to understand?

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