ian_w..re: ** terrorism defeated in iraq? "It's not the people...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    ian_w..re: ** terrorism defeated in iraq? "It's not the people that make the times, it's the times that make the people."

    Only partially correct.

    Yes, serendipity plays a role in the moments we call history.

    But the forces shaping change will out...eventually.

    And leader that grasp the moment ceertainly do so by being in the right place at the right time

    But to so blandly dismiss the attributes of these people seems to me to suggest your view of life, evetns and history as one less multi-dimensional thast it perhaps is.

    The Hitlers, Alexanders, Churchills, Kennedys, Ceasers, et all would I believe have transcended their origins and almost certainly left a mark


    As an example....take Hitler.

    I take your point that in another place and another time he would have had a completely different impact on world events but I do believe that which made him a "Hitler" would have manifested itself and an influence non-the-less would have emerged.
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