Terrorist or Nutter with "issues"?

  1. 7,123 Posts.
    The past two days have been engulfed in opinion and speculation. Even now, I watch "News" on whatever TV screen and I see "Experts" offering their weird and wonderful interpretations 0f the events over night and of yesterday's start of the first "ARAB FLAG" Attack on an Australian City.
    Its ironic that this attack has "encouraged" all sorts of "experts" to offer their solutions when all they have is some obscure Media coverage and the distant memory of RAMBO and his ilk.
    I know, I know...Social Media "talks" and the emotional diatribe that is posted, really does no one any favours. However, Calm and Calculated responses are the order of the day - Let The Police and The Intelligence Agencies DO THEIR JOB, with the garbage from Mainstream media Hysteria and Sensationalising!

    Do you all have the perfect Answer?... I doubt it, if you even bother to think about YOUR "solution".

    People Died..... It will happen again!

    SO, the answer lies in what did we learn and How will we prevent further attacks on Australian soil?......
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