Diligent -Thanks for your timely and topical posts on this...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Diligent -

    Thanks for your timely and topical posts on this topic.

    Good old Wilson Tuckey, who sadly got voted out at the last
    Gillard voter manipulation farce August 21st, whoops, "Election", was absolutely spot on, and sensible, when he stated that perhaps for every 10 "boat people", (not to be disparaging, as yes, amongst them some may well be genuine refugees) one of them is more than likely to be a terrorist, or have terrorist aims, links, support, or capablities. Tuckey got howled down for this observation.

    Letting these people in untried, without papers, at face value, and relying on some pimply faced junior level pen-pusher at immigration (probably a do-gooder Greeny) deciding whether or not he/she is who they say they are, and from where they say they're from, is tantamount to opening up our gaol doors in a fit of compassion, and letting the inmates out for a holiday in the sun. Never mind that some are rapists, child molestors,murderers, or wife beaters. In fact, don't even require them to keep producing ID. They say they'll behave - let' take them at their word, let 'em all out,and hope they'll behave. (We are, after all, a "compassionate" nation.) But seems that compassion is more directed to "others", than to our own needy, who in most cases have to fend for themselves to one degree or another. Single mothers, disabled kids, non-support for autistic and aspergers kids, homeless and hopeless youth, the lonely and frail aged, battered women, etc.

    Yes, poor goaled souls have been so cooped up. Let's free them and send them up to the Whitsunday's for a well-earned R&R - some nice accomodation up there - and who knows, some of them may well be honest enough to let themselves be rounded up and come back to their prison cell at the end of it.

    In our glazed eyed Aussie sun and surf raptures of booze,
    surfing, the pub, and personal and sexual freedoms, and our "Me, Myself, And I" race for materialistic successes, we live on starry eyed, in some sort of national denial. An isolation of sorts. (The US was condemned for IT'S isolationism during WW1 and WW2 - and now it's condemned because it turns up to help!) Poor old Uncle Sam can't win either!

    The "Terrorism is the world greatest threat" warning brigade are put down, derided, and laughed at as alarmists, accused of racism, red neckism,
    red under the bed physcologies, and guilty of gross mis-representation or exaggerations. Yet the facts emerge under our very eyes. Look at Scandinavia, Belgium, France, the UK. They say in 50 years time the average Italian family sitting down to a meal in Rome will be Muslim.

    The horrors of real terrorism and the world march of fundamentalist terrorism, mostly Muslim politically aimed funded, and based, and much of it home grown, is the real world threat of this century! Forget the global warming windbags - making a very well paid career out of their spurious claims as do some I could mention!

    Subterranean terrorism, well planned and plotted by people who have no shred of compassion or conscience over killing their fellow human beings (even their own), done with an aim of eventually taking over the world with their own intentions of installing Sharia Law and Muslim domination over all of us, via their own well planned population increases (see "Europe"), is going on under our very noses.

    To deny it is to put one's head in the sand and hope it'll all go away.

    If we could ask the Aussies, and the other nationalities,
    poor souls who losy their lives in the two major Bali bombings, what they think, what would they say? They'd say - be very afraid - and honor and respect OUR memory by very carefully guarding and conserving our beloved Australia from the actions of such unspeakable monsters.
    THis is not to deny our true humanity and compassion to those genuinely in need of haven - but don't just open the ruddy doors!

    What we need in this counrty is REAL Leadership. WE DO NOT HAVE IT! Instead, we have weak-livered pandy-anderers. And that goes for all Parties! For the sake of being "nice, polite, politically correct, politically moderate, not being seen as a red-neck, etc" we are letting in all these "ruddy" boat people and feeling wamr and fuzzy about doing so.

    At the very least, they MUST - SHOULD - prove who they are.
    Or have papers, verifiable, that they who they are - information which can be traced, from some official referee or government official from their homeland. They should not be able to get over ANY borders without such paperwork, our borders, or other borders they've crossed in many cases well before ours. Instead of bullying POOR Easdt Timor, Gillard should be YELLIN at Indonesia, and Malaysia, etc. to properly protect and guard their own borders, and stop palming the problems off onto us.
    After all, who, as a tourist, or on business, has not faced a hassle with some officious uniformed immigration officer at some third-world airport over a visa extentions or somesuch. But, of course, money oils the wheels - and bribes do the talking. Bribes don't work here - so they rely on sentiment and the Aussies are a soft touch approach instead.

    The time for sentiment is over. We must get tough - and fast. Howard had this issue sewn up - and where did that get him. Like him or loathe him, at least he had the guts to take a stance and ruddy well LEAD!

    Please send out the sniffer dogs and find us a LEADER!
    Just LEAD mate! Forget the party politics.

    I, for one, am sick and tired of political lightweight games players. Only interested in their own patch! And which daily headline then can generate to puff up their own sense of importance. It's a miasma of shallow yackety yack - and it's getting us nowhere! The people have no voice - and it's these nongs who are telling us the shape of Australia to come - THEIR version.

    Expand our horizons yes. We're too parochial. But at least THINK about repercussions.

    It's not too dramatic to say that we are talking about the survival of our country and culture as we know it today.
    That's what we'll be passing along to our kids - and their kids. Our heritage.

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