cletus the relative numbers don't mean a rodents posterior to...

  1. 12,907 Posts.
    cletus the relative numbers don't mean a rodents posterior to me.

    The principle that the "user pays" is all that I am interested in.

    Those that expect that it is their "right" to get something subsidised at the rate they want shows total contempt and arrogance.

    I have been a lifter for 40 years plus and in about 5 or 6 weeks away from retiring. I have saved both inside and outside of superannuation and will not now or probably ever be eligible for the OAP. As well I have paid millions in PAYE and CGT because I have worked hard and invested well. I am not Robinson Crusoe in this respect

    This budget will hurt me but I acknowledge that something had to be done.

    So from me and many I know the message is toughen up and take the medicine, just as we did when under Keating interest rates were close to 20%. I'd love that right now
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