My first experience with the ABC was via an old farmradio that...

  1. 155 Posts.
    My first experience with the ABC was via an old farm
    radio that ran on a motorcycle battery. One was in
    the radio's cabinet. The other was in a Service
    Station in Wonthaggi in South Gippsland being
    re-charged. This was in 1946. I was staying
    for six months (as my mother was very ill)
    on a cattle farm with an aunt and uncle
    that I grew to love but could never tell
    him as boys (back then) could not
    express affection as that'd make
    them a Big Sissy. And there was
    no worse fate for a boy than that.

    My uncle never missed the ABC's Country Hour at lunch
    time. I can still hear this raucous auctioneer's voice:
    "This is Francis Ross and company reporting from
    the Newmarket Saleyards. There was a good
    supply of bullocks today and prices eased..."

    Fast forward to 1965 and this is a lesson in the
    awesome power of love in human destiny. I was
    running and presenting the nation-wide ABC
    "Country Hour" from Sydney. Graham White
    who had recruited me from Perth said to me:
    "You really know how to talk to farmers."
    My reply was: "No I don't. I just talk to
    my Uncle Jim in South Gippsland."

    Fast forward to tonight. For two whole hours
    (without having dog-food or tampons rammed
    down my throat or Harvey Norman yelling at
    me to "Buy! Buy! Buy!" I watched two ABC-TV
    programs that both had Australian accents.
    One was about Gough Whitlam. The other
    about Cliff Young who won the Sydney to
    Melbourne Ultra Marathon. He was 61 at
    the time. And Cliff also won a bride.
    We all need heroes to light the way.
    Uncle Jim, Gough and Cliff Young
    inspired me to reach for the sky.

    Thank God for the ABC. But what video
    would be fitting and proper tonight?
    This clip comes from a movie that is
    set in New York and called 'The Paper'.
    The clip is about Youthful Enthusiasm.
    The movie is about finding the Truth.

    Enthusiasm comes from the Greek
    En (meaning 'within') and Theos.
    Enthusiasm means "God Within"

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