thank god for the abc, page-28

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    Politics and criticism

    The ABC is often accused of bias in its coverage of news and current affairs.[4][61][62] Members of parliament,[63] as well as commentators such as Andrew Bolt,[64] Tim Blair and Gerard Henderson[64] have accused the Corporation of a left-wing bias, while similar criticisms of a conservative bias, particularly in its coverage of economic issues, have also come from Labor politicians such as Kevin Foley,[65] Neville Wran,[24] Bob Hawke,[24] and Paul Keating.[24]

    Conservative Liberal Party governments in the 1960s and 1970s attempted to influence the Corporation's political coverage by threatening to reduce funding for its news and current affairs division,[66][67] while the Hawke government unsuccessfully proposed to merge it with the Special Broadcasting Service.[24]

    Soon after coming to office in 1996, the Liberal Party government of John Howard reduced the ABC's operating grants by 10%.[68] Its appointment of Jonathan Shier to the position of managing director was also controversial, for his programme of budget cuts, restructuring, and the loss of several high-profile personalities and shows.[69][70] Shier left the position early, on 31 October 2001. A 2004 Roy Morgan media credibility survey found that media professionals regarded ABC Radio as the most accurate news source in the country.[71]

    A number of former journalists and presenters have moved from positions at the corporation to politics.[72] State and federal Labor MPs Bob Carr,[73] Alan Carpenter,[74] Clare Martin,[75] Mary Delahunty,[76] and Maxine McKew,[77] as well as the Liberal Party's Pru Goward,[78] Rob Messenger,[72] Peter Collins,[72] and Eoin Cameron,[79] and Scott Emerson all held, or hold, positions at the ABC. Research undertaken by the broadcaster in 2007 indicated that out of a total of 19 former employees moving into party political positions, 10 have joined the Labor Party, and 9 the Liberal Party
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