thank you Vladimir, page-33

  1. 18,212 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    Pintohoo - in my darker moments I have same thoughts, but try to remain optimistic. What really worries me is the fact that countries like the U.S.A. with a people who have not experienced war with their own skin in it, have a distorted view of war - THEY never pay for it with their own flesh and blood, their homes destroyed, streets a heap of rubble, their children, babies, relatives dead or maimed, move on the world stage instigating wars, but really have no idea what genie they are letting out of the bottle. Having been raised a Catholic ( no longer that) I still have a world view which fears terrible retribution, but here on earth as the end story.

    I look at the news at night or some images of Syria, Yemen, even Israel's barbed wire border and cannot understand how the majority of people/politicians can view this coldly and not think how terrible it must be to try and survive under those circumstances - and wouldn't you run as far away as possible and become a refugee? Another maligned species, of course. It seems there is no pity for the victims of our combined foreign policy - yes we are part of these crimes too.

    Yet going back in history, there was always a war raging somewhere, except they were usually fairly local affairs and rumours about it may have spread, but the ordinary man, woman could get on with their lives relatively undisturbed. Yet WE know and we are disturbed, but do not care. That is a crime IMO - our crime.

    Politicians can solve this and I do think they are trying. Even someone like Trump is a positive insofar that I do not think he is a 'hawk' - he is simply someone who represents hope to a large section of Americans - a hope I cannot share, but I also do not see him doing too much damage. Trump's body language is oafish, almost in a truculent teenage way, yes, but it is not innately aggressive. There is a naivety about him, which allows him to strut the world stage with little knowledge, just a theatrical hair style, a phoney 'strong' jaw, which he has practiced, and of course his supposed millions, living in golden splendour, (with a golden toilet bowl, no doubt), you name it; he lives 'everyman's fairytale' - I also watch his hands and they are not the hands of an aggressive man, his thumbs curl outwards, which indicates artistry, perhaps deceit - he is a clown history has thrown up to change things.

    I put great faith in Obama, saw him try and eventually come up against the establishment and he failed in many things he would have liked to have done. So I no longer believe individuals, be they Presidents or other big heads with fancy titles, men in robes and funny hats, have much say anymore - there is an unknown quantity which decides - in almost blind fashion - which way the wrecking hammer of history is going.

    ..... and the building-up - has always been the story of the little men and little women of the world.

    that is my belief - I realise 'belief' is a big word - maybe 'hope' is a better one.
    Go well
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