Have you all noticed how vividly and intensely the leftists have...

  1. 406 Posts.
    Have you all noticed how vividly and intensely the leftists have reacted to olive post ?
    At last their beloved subject " their hated Zionist case has resurfaced , after the barrage of bad media against the perpertrators of terror , followng the London bombing. What a relief ?
    So now they have had the chance to reiterate with their old hollow propoganda about "stealing Arab land " .
    What a painful joke !
    The land of Israel is at a ratio of 1 v 532 in comparison to the land that the Arab world has ! The distance from the largest Israeli city coastline of Tel Aviv to the beginning of the what is so called the GREEN LINE , where the "occupied territories" start is merely 21km ! TWENTY ONE KM ! Look around your Aussie suburb and measure 21km from your home . Found it ? Well , that where Livingstone terorist live and scheme ! Livingstone and his enlightened friends , are no stupid . they know the numbers . So why they stick to their guns ? We need a shrink to tell us that .

    And on the subject of stolen land . Would be interesting to review some of the land grabs in recent history .

    Turkey is illegally occupying Half of Cyprus .

    Russia is illegally occupying AREAS that historically and culturally belong to all their neighbours ( Germany , Poland , The Baltic states , Many parts in Asia ) ,

    Germany is illegally occupying an area which historically and culturaly belongs to Poland .

    Romania is illegally occupying Transilvania which is historically and culturally belongs to Hungary .

    Germany illegally occupies areas that historicaly belong to Chechoslovakia .

    France is occupying areas that historically and culturally belong to Germany ( Elzas laurraine for instance ) .

    England is illegally occupying NORTHEN IRELAND that historically and religiously belong to Catholic Ireland .

    Italy is illegally occupying areas in the north ( Trieste for instance ) that culturally and historically are part of Serbia.

    Saudi Arabia ,Yemen , Jordan , Iraq and Syria were under Ottoman / Turkish Empire rule for nearly 500 years , These countries are artificial creations , by the British and for the Whabi/Hashimite Arab tribes , who assisted them in fighting the Turks in WW1 .Is that creation LEGAL ?

    China is illegally occupying TIBET a country that historically and culturally has nothing to do with China .

    Malaisia , if it was able to , will EAT SINGAPORE for breakfast , if an opportunity will come .Would that be LEGAL ?

    Belgium is a mixup of 2 different cultures ( Valones V Phlems ) that do not really like each other , with undercurrent bitterness of both sub cultures against areas occupied by the other prevail . Is this LEGAL ?

    The KURDS who legally live in KURDISTAN have seen their homeland ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED by IRAN IRAQ TURKEY n RUSSIA .

    Turkey is illegally occupying areas that historically and culturally belong to ARMENIA .Not to mention the slaughter / genocide of the Armenians in 1915 ( read Saroyan and listen to Aznavour for a change ) .

    Sudan is illegally occupying in the south areas that ethnically , religiously belong to Ethiopia n Uganda .
    What is LEGAL and what is ILLEGAL ?

    Have a look at the map of Africa . There are scores of countries that have been illegally n artificially created by the British , French , Portugeese and Belgium , a fact that has lead to so-many atrocities and wars between the tribes that make up those countries .

    South n Central America are full with countries that were ILLEGALLY inhabitated by the Spanish n the Portugeese .

    The UN is a disgraced institution , Nourished by the benevolence of USA , passes Resolutions of the most disgusting ones like their infamous ANTI ZIONIST one ( which really is anti Jewish ) , and full of self indulgent hypocracy , of first degree .

    Israel occupies areas that have been stolen from the Jewish people . That resulted in the greatest sin in humankind history - 1878 years of exile and pogroms .

    An Israeli democratically elected government offerred to give up 97% of those "lands" in Camp David in 2000 in return to recognition and peace treaty .
    As usual in their history the Palestinians refused !
    Once again they proved that the OCCUPATION is not the problem .
    The TRUTH ( very bitter one for Jews though ) is that the Arab world , the Muslim world and the antijewish deeply rooted WESTERN LEFT are after the BLUE LINE .

    The Blue line is Israel only border not with the Arabs . It is the Mediternean sea . In simple words : they ALL after one goal : a total annihilation of Israel as an independent Jewish state .

    Until this philosophy , of the neighbours of Israel and their Leftist sponsors in the West , is well n truly altered for good , there will be no peace .You can jump up n down with summersault , it wont help .

    The BALL is completely in the Palestinians court .
    Would they ever miss an opportunity , to miss an opportunity ( to make peace ) ? You bet .

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