That is a pretty poor turnout of people power I must say, page-5

  1. 17,625 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 57
    When you see crowds like this.

    Don't get me wrong I am not trying to characterise these peoples ideas/perspective apart from being sheep.

    One can see kinda( I know not really but I was not there) how some(jews etc..) where lead to gas chambers and others( Nazis) where lead to do what they did to the Jews and others, that is a acknowledgement Ray Hadley( Candice Owens is a bullshit artist try not even acknowledging her would be more appropriate) and bad things happen from very bad leaders and systems!!

    It would be more appropriate if the crowd asked why did we allow to be fooled??? Why are we being manipulated?? Who is those supporting the elite crushing our opportunities and prosperity??? Who are making out like bandits at our expense??? Who are giving backhanders to the politicians etc... who have the big sponsors funding what they say???

    Are we still getting played by even attending these rallies because you do not have to go back that far to see it before and apart from a groundhog day there is a little rinse and repeat if people really have a deep think about it.

    Even the knockabouts now they are getting played at times by those saying they are behind them when the knife going into their back happens at a different location, is this the art of smoke and mirrors and what role is MSM playing and where is their kickback??

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