IMO this kind of thing just becomes an oxygen sucking process...

  1. 88,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    this kind of thing just becomes an oxygen sucking process and is totally timewasting

    yes, your basic concept is correct enough ------------ but, the point, if there is any - should be, where to from here.

    It is abundantly clear that most of us are unhappy with governments and the way that the country is going ---

    whilst we can f about working through whose fault it was or is - and, yes, I've done a fair share of that -

    I really think that we should all just get a basic set of principles and beliefs that are ballknockingly obvious for a society to have in place before it can go anywhere positive

    and then - if we have that - we make sure that any or all of our actions including government decisions work 'towards' that direction

    it is a first step - and it might get complicated by how we philosophise political direction - but we need those first understandings in place -

    we need to grasp what turning a country into a nation requires - and, it begins here

    A detailed goal - and then -
    Look after the people.

    People need
    ill health prevention and health car
    EDUCATION - real education, not job training

    then come many important things - but, without the above - we go nowhere and Oz is atm not even remotely close to providing those very basic foundations

    we all know what has not worked - what we need to look at is what to do now ---- and whatever we do - rules, laws or INTENT - must work to benefit all in society - get those basics done first - or there will be no future for children - even for us with wealth
    Last edited by pintohoo: 29/07/24
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