Fair point..he was only in his 4th or 5th year of teaching. We...

  1. 2,046 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 108
    Fair point..he was only in his 4th or 5th year of teaching. We all know that in this country it is not the base rate where the money is. It is in the overtime where the innocuous $40 an hour becomes $60 an hour...couple of 12 hour shifts on the week-end ala Prison Officers and all of a sudden you are on a good wack.
    "Of course there are the construction workers in the Melb CBD who earn plenty but they are only a handful. They are the ones that make the papers, conning people into believing all traffic controllers earn plenty."
    A handful you say well that is BS...no one is conned we all know and have friends and acquaintences who work in these overly well paid jobs and brag of their allowances time off..overtime etc. It is not a mystery. Sitting on a plane between Tokyo and Vancouver a Canadian luxury house builder was telling me the story of how his company won a contract to build homes in Japan. Canadian workers 33 minutes per hour worked...US 31 Minutes per hour...AUSTRALIAN workers 13 minutes per hour. The Japanese contracted the Canadians...Australians had no chance.
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