Most of us have seen or heard with disgust, the recent stories...

  1. 81 Posts.

    Most of us have seen or heard with disgust, the recent stories that our so called National broadcaster has been airing about the " burned hands episode" hinting that our Naval Personnel are responsible for this.

    In the face of absolutely no supporting evidence, such reporting really begs the question... just whose side is the ABC really on and, what are they trying to achieve ???

    I sincerely trust that ASIO are taking a long, hard look at all those people at the ABC responsible for the presentation of such damaging stories to our country's best interests, stories that are at best mischievious and designed to create trouble and unrest.

    Some might call it treasonous.

    What is their agenda and who is driving it ???

    It needs to be remembered that the ABC is funded by you and me from our taxes. As shareholders we deserve to know.

    In a cash-strapped country with tough times ahead, the ABC along with a few other Government operations should, as a priority be privatised.

    I can hear the screams of outrage already.

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