The ABC is a publicly funded bully - close it down

  1. 12,131 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242
    The latest case of the ABC wrongly besmirching soldiers who served in Afghanistan should be the last straw.

    There is a fundamental flaw in its structure which cannot stand. It has huge uncontrolled broadcasting power to bully people and commit libel. Those wrongly besmirched have no effective remedy because;

    1) The ABC has bottomless pits of money to fight individuals in the legal system. There is no justice in this for the individual.

    2) ABC staff are fighting with Monopoly money, they are not under personal stress. They are also being paid while their victim is not.

    3) When found to have been wrong there is no remedy. Any financial penalty is paid by the taxpayers. There are no consequences for the individual bullies. The legal libel system doesn't work on public servants.

    4) There is no supervision of ABC staff who chose to target individuals. There is no system to check on who the bullies target.

    The ABC was necessary in an age when far flung farmers huddled over the wireless in the evenings to know wool prices. Its reason for existence is over , we all have access to media now. If it didn't exist we wouldn't create it, its an anachronism.

    Close these bullies down. Gird your loins Peter Dutton.

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