the aboriginal problem in the west, page-73

  1. 207 Posts.
    The sooner we all realise that we are all Australian the better for us all.

    Lets all be Australian.

    You can become an Australian in a number of ways, and all methods are acceptable. How you became an Australian is of no consequence.
    How you live as an Australian is what matters.

    Anyone who does not want to be an Australian or live as an Australian (until they become an Australian) is free to leave at any time. (I think most Australians would be happy to provide some taxpayer funds to assist with one way tickets)

    How long you and your extended or ancestral family have been Australian is of no consequence.

    One day or 40,000 years, we are all Australians.

    Being Australian is what matters.

    Every Australian has the free will.
    Every Australian has the right to choose how they live their lives.
    Some Australians start their journey from difficult beginnings.
    Some Australians have hurdles in their path, some choose to jump them, others choose to hide behind them. But it is still thier choice (or those who are responsible for them)

    Noone should be creating more hurdles or barriers for any Australian and we have legislation ensures that.

    My Australia is a place where everyone gets an equal chance, but if they choose to squander their chance and opportunity, that is fine, remember it is still their choice.

    If someone wants to drink themselves stupid everyday, it is their choice. If they choose to get sober, it is their choice.

    If someone chooses to cause criminal damage to property, then the laws of Australia dictate that they should be held accountable.

    If someone chooses to assault another person (Australian or not)then the laws of Australia dictate that they should be held accountable.

    It is their choice.

    When one Australian is treated differently to another Australian, either advantaged or disadvantaged, I draw the line and it needs to be stopped.

    The fact that people and groups and governments have and still do, pander to an Australian or discriminate against an Australian is where the issues start.

    Australians are all equal. Start treating us that way and we will be going in the right direction.

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