I used to like Leunig's cartoons. But I found over the years...

  1. 1,874 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I used to like Leunig's cartoons. But I found over the years they became puerile, only occasionally funny.

    Having looked at this one, I think it is cleaver and thought provoking but over the top in a school boy silly way comparing vaccinations to what happened at Tienanmen. I'd still give it a B or C not a fail. Definitively not great.

    Me thinks there are some precious snowflakes who don't like comparisons of Tienanmen Square with anything else.

    Worthy of sacking? No. But I think he is well past his use by date in terms of his low consistency of quality cartoons, at least in my opinion.

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