The Ageless and The Useless, page-105

  1. 1,452 Posts.
    I said I wasn't posting no more & I'm not. I'm also not going to let someone tell blatant lies about me either.

    Here's the post you are referring to.


    3,902 posts.
    Post #:
    A Unitarian that also denies Hell and then

    quotes from John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion

    Obviously he has not read the bloke LOL

    Grab a copy and read the whole thing...LOL LOL

    Here's my replies. No where in any of my replies is an apology to you. You are a liar.

    Also this happened long before I decided I wasn't posting anymore. So not only are you a liar, you are a false witness.


    1,450 posts.
    Post #:
    RM said:
    Apostasy boy, unlike you I read a wide & diverse range of literature. I may not agree with all that I read but in the quote above I do.

    So what is your problem you hate filled, cheap, little handbag.

    Apostasy boy, we all know there's no depth nor substance to you. But I'll give you the opportunity to prove me wrong. In your own words without the copy & paste of silly pictures. What is wrong with what Calvin says in the proceeding quote. Time to shine handbag.

    the Lord had declared that "everything that he had made . . . was exceedingly good" Gen 1.3. Whence, then comes this wickedness to man, that he should fall away from his God? Lest we should think it comes from creation, God had put His stamp of approval on what had come forth from himself. By his own evil intention, then, man corrupted the pure nature he had received from the Lord; and by his fall drew all his posterity with him into destruction. Accordingly, we should contemplate the evident cause of condemnation in the corrupt nature of humanity-which is closer to us-rather than seek a hidden and utterly incomprehensible cause in God's predestination.


    That's exactly what I expected from you. One thing about you at least you are consistent in your ignorance and hate.

    I find that most sincere people who have conviction can at times create words of wisdom. I don't care what they believe or teach, I give credit where credit is due. That's why I've only ever credited you with hate and bitterness.

    Run along now, you've been excused.


    No, that's not the problem. I posted a piece from someone that I thought was reasonable and applicable to the discussion. As usual you turn up with the hate, bitterness & spite. You really are a failed human being.


    You're starting to whine again.

    If there's no "law" against me quoting him, in future don't act like such a child.


    Yes, I do. I chose to use that snippet as I also quote from different bibles. And believe it or not, quotes are supposed to sound good. I don't post to suit you.

    You assume to know about me. Assumptions are for fools. Are you a fool.

    I posted his quote because I agreed with what he had to say.

    It wasn't for support.

    Can't you understand that.


    Not at all. Look at DBT9's original post. He assumed that some were calling God evil, when in fact Paul was only writing a letter and posed a question.

    Do you believe that God is capable of evil.

    Simple question.


    That's all my replies to your original post. There is no where that I apologize to you. So on that count I'll say again you are a liar. Also when I was posting you and a few others used to hide. Now that I'm not posting, don't take it as a license to come out of your hole and start making up things and telling lies about me.You need to get back on your medication for if anyone can take anything away from this it's you. And the lesson here is, don't tell lies.

    To the moderator. It can clearly be seen that he has told lies concerning me, I have taken the time to clarify this. So I'd appreciate it if my post isn't moderated. If he whines incessantly & you feel the need to moderate this post, then mod his original 2 posts that contain the lies.
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