BB I aver that sea levels are not rising. At all.60 years ago...

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    BB I aver that sea levels are not rising. At all.

    60 years ago (not a typo) the spring tides would run up the concrete gutter outside my house but did'nt flood any property. Guess what? The spring tides still enter the gutter outside that property but still don't flood anything.

    I must have mentioned this "real life" observation at least half a dozen times on this forum but not once has an alarmist responded. Are you about to ignore me again?

    The Pacific atolls rose from the sea and the sea can take back what it has given. Why am I to blame?

    Jo Nova presents a case that Goldman Sachs has spent far more money on promoting AGW than the measly $25mil that Mobil has done. This is the same GS who hands out $25mil bonuses like candy. They and Al Gore stand to make billions out of emissions trading and why should any Government REALLY question them? They stand to make far more out of the emissions tax.

    Surely it is time to stop hiding behind the ad hominem arguments and actually start answering our claims.
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