the alp cheersquad tank is empty, page-69

  1. 47,953 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    Re your post which included;
    "lapdog,the people HAVE what they wanted,the lnp party
    LEAD by abbott. ..."

    And I thought you'd given up replying to my posts!

    Of course that's what happened in 2007 but that didn't stop Tony Abbott from scuttling the bipartisan approach to addressing human-induced climate change thrashed out by Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull.

    Commentators have widely concluded that the Coalition won government more as a protest against Labor's infighting than due to any plans laid out by Abbott. Even he asserted that Governments lose office rather than Oppositions win it by laying out all the detail and implementation strategy - that of course as an excuse for his failure to release details and costings.

    Abbott can expect no more respect or cooperation than he afforded to either the Rudd Govt. or to the Gillard Govt; sheesh, the rorts scandal was in our faces before Parliament has even convened!

    As for trashing the Parliament and denigrating other pollies; Bill Shorten already has enough bullets to fire for the entire life of this Parliament should he choose to model himself on Abbott's performance.
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