But none of these three examples you have pointed to (again,...

  1. 2,392 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 330
    But none of these three examples you have pointed to (again, without providing quotes) is misinformation Scott.

    • Dutton claims that the misinformation bill is "an attack on 'free speech'" - blatantly nonsense as its not likely to affect posters, but advertisers and (hopefully) politicians. what do they want to say they can't already say? only when it comes to lies and misinformation.
    ....this is his opinion, not misinformation. The fact that you don't like his opinion is the only grounds you have for your assertion that it is misinformation. When someone as pure as the driven snow such as yourself allows themselves to utilise the legislation to try and silence another person's opinion, it should ring alarm bells regarding its usefulness for any Government looking to control the message.

    • Airbus Albo is another misinformation because if one checks you'll find that Albanese has used flights to other countries no more than any other PM in recent history.
    .....again, you have gotten this wrong as well Scott. Peter Dutton never claimed that Prime Minister Albanese used it more than previous Prime Ministers, he just said that the amount he used was over the top. That again is his opinion, not misinformation. You have used the legislation wrongfully again, Scott, imagine what an incompetent and/or shady Government could do with it.

    • on the Voice, the use of the Productivity Comm report to say that the expense of Aboriginal-only services was $30Bn.... when if one reads the doc it states clearly that Aboriginal-only services cost $6Bn, similar to the per capita rate of services to non-Aboriginal people.
    .....wrong again, Scott, and your avoidance of using quotes is now clear to see. Peter Dutton never mentioned the expense of 'aboriginal-only' services, just money spent on aboroginals. Again you have claimed this as misinformation, but it's not, not even remotely so. What he said was all fact, what you said was not.

    So wrong on all three counts, and you won't be producing quotes to back up your three counts. Still think he engaged in misinformation? You said you had a long list. Are they any better than these three lemons?
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