The amazing achievements of Donald Trump, page-5

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    "X"DS is not a new tag.

    Bush Derangement Syndrome

    "In 2003, Charles Krauthammer defined the term Bush Derangement Syndrome: "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.[1]

    Examples include liberals who began demanding that Bush be impeached almost as soon as he took office, and Congressional Democratic leaders investigating anyone they could get their hands on as soon as they gained a majority in congress.

    Paul Begala, former President Bill Clinton's advisor, said "George W. Bush across America, he would poll behind several different forms of venereal disease in most of this country. I mean, they hate Bush!" [2]

    Members at the liberal website Think Progress said they hoped Bush would vanish.[3]"

    Clinton Derangement Syndrome: Diagnosing the real reason that so many Americans hate Hillary

    Obama Derangement Syndrome

    Every presidential candidate comes in for their share of partisan bile from their opponents’ more rabid supporters. The generic term for this is X Derangement Syndrome (example, BDS for Bush, etc) and to some extent it is a manifestation of the political passion that drives the system. It’s surely better than outright, pervasive voter apathy.

    However, what’s disturbing about the bile directed at Barack Obama (ODS) is the racial and religious subtext, which was absent for obvious reasons from those afflicted by CDS and BDS. I’ve compiled a list of crazy accusations against Obama elsewhere, but two examples stand out for their common theme."
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