you guys can to & frow with you comments, but after listening to...

  1. 64 Posts.
    you guys can to & frow with you comments, but after listening to what Nelson Mendala said the other day, I think sums the whole situation up. He can now say what is right & wrong in he's eyes because he is now out of the political arena. I just ask you all to consider one thing. When J.Howard went public & stated that under the alliance with the U.S we were commited at their beg & call?. Now here is a country that has done a great job. FOR AMERICANS ONLY ? F the rest of the world. When it does not go their way they cry blue murder. Look at the situation with Airbus & Boeing ? just look at their protection of their farmers. ? Anything that America has done in the eyes of the world that may look good comes with a price. So i say to them if we commite our troops what do we as Australians' get in return ?, because believe me we as theTax payer will have to foot the BILL. We were never in the eyes of terrorists' until the Afgan. war. Now all of Australians are under threat. We now fight a faceless enemy. If you so believe in American policy, stand up & be counted, put your life on the line ? go volunteer fight a war for them. Do not sit here & give lip service ? . Without the Yanks in ww11 I agree we would have been a diffrent Nation as we are today but so are the Americans'. So lets move on from there & look at where we are today. I do believe we stand & fight for our beliefs,but truly what threat is S.H. If he does have these womd? & I don't now if he does, look at who put him into power & gave him the nod to use them against Iran. Where is the evidence that he is providing the Al q. with any form of assistance?. Do we have to believe in the American intell. Christ with that much oil that they desperatly want next thing is that they'll have us believe that politians have never lied. Sorry, this is America's doing tied in with greed & control. For that I could not let J.Howard send me, my kids or any Aussie for that matter. The old addage is that if your going to go down make sure you take someone with you, & I'm sorry this is not of our doing or for the freedom of any true believer when we see what has happened in Countries where there is no OIL.
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