BTA 0.00% 57.0¢ biota holdings limited

the answers , page-17

  1. 3,130 Posts.
    "The 2 companys purchased last year were good value for money at the time ,but will need tens of millions to came into fuistion down the track but has the capabilities of bringing in hundreds of millions."

    So, the 2 companies are not good value now?

    The focus is not on that the two companies have the capabilities of bringing in hundreds of millions. The focus should be on BTA's capability of spending tens of millions on the projects and the probabilities of having that hundreds of millions in.

    So, now the problem is "can BTA continue to spend tens of millions on the two companies?".

    The management seems to take conservative appraoch in PR, but "aggressive" approach in the two acquisitions.

    Now the company stated in the report that the company's focus was on the Lani ROW and HRV.

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