John, thanks for posting the layout of each country's ADIZ, or...

  1. 9,686 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 542
    John, thanks for posting the layout of each country's ADIZ, or air defense identification zone, in the East China Sea. I have it filed but couldn't put my finger on it.

    to have any clue about who's zooming who in the region, one has to have this layout foremost and critically in mind.

    for instance, China can fly its aircraft over its own mainland and then be accused of invading Taiwan airspace.

    of course, this is then routinely reported by compliant MSM - the propaganda arm of Western sinophobes - as Chinese aggression and bullying, said media omitting that such flights are anything but.

    gradually, a view solidifies that China is aggressive, when this is actually unfounded.
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